Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Green Smoothies!

A great way to jump start your healthy eating habits is with Green Smoothies. At first glance, they look pretty gross, but they're actually really good and not to mention an easy way to get in those important veggies. They're easy to make too, I make mine at night before bed and have that for lunch the next day. Below is a basic recipe for the Green Smoothie newbie

Beauty and the Beast Mode

Best way to inspire you into working out, get some fabulous workout gear!Beauty and the Beast Mode

I'm on a mission...

I think its safe to say that most people are on the same mission as me, no matter if your fat or skinny, strong or scrawny, we all want to be healthy and fit. I'm the type of person that promises to eat well and workout frequently... starting Monday. Come Monday 'eh forget it'. But no, not anymore! We are going to do this. The only way to keep up is to give yourself goals to reach and realistic time spans to achieve your goals. Below are a few of my goals. Leave a comment with your fitness goals and how you plan to accomplish them.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to school

Its that time of year again... Back to school! As a student and a teacher, its not exactly a very exciting time. After spending the summer in the sun, sand, and surf, its not going to be easy getting back to the daily grind. But one thing does get me excited about this time of year.... shopping for new clothes!


Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my little blog! My name is Kat and I am a lover of fashion and beauty. I created this blog as a way for me to share my ideas with the world. I know that I am always on the web looking for fashion ideas and makeup looks and I thought it was time I gave a little back. I've learned a lot from my time on the web and there's always more to learn. For now I hope you enjoy my blog and let me know if you have any requests or feedback. :)